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faucet takes care of logging both HTTP requests and responses, as well as the stdout and stderr of the worker processes. This section describes how logging works in faucet and how to filter the logs.

Basic structure

All logs generated by faucet take the following form:

[<time stamp> level <source>] <message>
  • The time stamp is the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ and is in UTC.
  • The level is one of:
    • ERROR
    • WARN
    • INFO
    • DEBUG
    • TRACE
  • The source is either faucet or the name of the worker Worker::<id>.

HTTP logging

HTTP logs are all logged at the INFO level. The source is the worker in charge of handling the request. The message has the following form:

<ip> "<method> <path> <protocol>" <status> "<user-agent>" <duration>
  • ip is the IP address of the client (determined by the --ip-from option).
  • method is the HTTP method used.
  • path is the path of the request.
  • protocol is the HTTP protocol version used.
  • status is the HTTP status code returned.
  • user-agent is the user agent of the client.
  • duration is the time it took to handle the request in milliseconds.

Worker logging

Worker logs are divided into two components: stdout and stderr. stdout is logged at the INFO level and stderr is logged at the WARN level. The source is the worker who owns the underlying process. The message is the line of output from the process.

Filtering logs

By default, faucet logs at the INFO level, which means that ERROR, WARN, and INFO logs are shown. To change the log level, use the FAUCET_LOG environment variable.

Note: Plumber prints errors that occur on endpoints to stdout, so if you want to see those errors, you will need to set the log level to INFO or lower. Shiny on the other hand prints errors to stderr, so you will need to set the log level to WARN or lower to see those errors.

Writing logs a file

faucet allows you to redirect log output to a file. This will disable colors on stderr.

You can redirect to a file by specifying the path on the FAUCET_LOG_FILE environment variable or by passing the --log-file argument to faucet start or faucet router.